Mosaic Installation Guide

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    The mosaics come with instructions. Each mosaic piece is numbered so that the layout of the pieces follows the numbering plan provided in the number map that reflects the overall design.

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    The next step is to lay out the mosaic pieces on a flat surface to check that all the components of the mosaic are present to complete the overall design.

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    Then measure the overall dimensions of the mosaic to check that the dimensions match the dimensions ordered.

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    Clean the surface on which the installation is to occur to remove dirt and grime. Ensure the surface is clean and dry.

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    The glass glue must be applied to an area no greater than 0.5 square metres at a time to avoid the glue drying before the pieces are applied. The glue is applied with a flexible rubber adhesive or grout spreader, smoothing the glue at an even thickness of approximately 1.5mm.

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    For wet areas, a cement-based adhesive should be used at a similar thickness of 1.5mm using a square notched trowel.

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    To commence applying the mosaic pieces, start at the left bottom corner of the design. The pieces are then applied first along the horizontal base of the installation ensuring each piece is placed according to the number plan. Then affix the pieces along the vertical dimension immediately above the first piece laid before filling in the rest of the design by applying the remaining pieces.

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    Press each piece or sheet gently against the glue just enough to secure the piece to the wall. Pressing too firmly will cause the glue
    to protrude from between the mosaics.

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    Use the number plan to progressively affix each piece in the correct location to build out the overall design. No gap is to be left between the pieces as they are intended to line up flush with each other to align the elements of the design.

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    The full kit comes with spare mosaics for all colours required in the design. If any mosaics fall out or are missing, select a mosaic of the correct colour to fit the location where the mosaic needs to be replaced.

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    Once all the pieces are affixed, apply epoxy grout over the mosaics. Again, only apply the grout to an area no greater than 0.5 square metres at a time to ensure the grout does not dry before wiping excess grout off the mosaics with a wet towel.

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    Finally, do not clean the mosaics until the grout has completely dried. The grout should be dry after about 48 hours.